Chris Hemsworth Workout

Must Try

Maria Lorenz
Maria Lorenz
Join me on my "I Fit and Healthy" journey! Maria is an Upstate New Yorker interested in all things healthy-living related! She started the "I Fit and Healthy" Blog to document life and her pursuit of healthy living. By day she work in digital media and advertising. By night she’s a first-rate wife and mom of two crazy little girls! She is self-proclaimed addicted to her iPhone/iPad and always on the hunt for the latest health tools and fitness gadgets.

Chris Hemsworth‘s workout is excellent. In fact, Chris Hemsworth’s workout is one of the best exercise programs I have seen in a while. Is Chris Hemsworth’s workout special? No, it is not. Chris Hemsworth’s workout is not new or even innovative. Some might argue that it is borderline boring. Is it boring? Yes it is. But you know what? Boring works, big time.

The results speak for themselves. There is huge difference in the way he looks, nobody would argue otherwise, but the question is: how did he get there? It simple. He got there by doing what most people do not want to do. Most guys want to use girly weights and do a lot of reps, you know, to get toned and stuff. They also want to use isolation exercises. He did the opposite.

Chris Hemsworth deconstructed Hemsworth approach to gaining muscle is hardcore and old school. His exercise program consists of compound movements that utilize heavy weights and not many reps. Yes, folks, that is how you gain real muscle mass. It goes without saying that in order to be big, you have to eat big. It is impossible to gain muscle mass by not eating a pretty good amount of protein and consuming a lot of calories.

So if you want to duplicate his exercise program, here is the list of exercises you want to do: bench press, bent-over row, weighted pull-up, weighted dip, squat, deadlift, weighted chin-up, close-grip bench press. All exercises (except the weighted ones) are done with a barbell, 4-to-5 sets, 5-to-12 reps. That is what he did. I would also add a military press and to make things simpler, I would focus on 5 sets and 5 reps and 4 sets and 10 reps.

As I have already mentioned, if your goal is to gain muscle, you need to pay a lot of attention to what you eat. Do not worry about gaining a little bit of body fat. It is impossible to gain pure muscle mass without gaining any body fat. Again, that is what he did. He ate big and lifted big, then he focused on losing body fat. Do not try to gain muscle and lose fat at the same time. It does not work. [source: Men’s Fitness]

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