Skinny Water Makes You Skinny?


Move over clenbuterol, according to recent media reports, big time celebrities use Skinny Water to help them lose weight and they also hope that it will help them stick to those New Year’s diet resolutions.

So does Skinny Water work? Can it help you lose those unwanted pounds? Skinny Water comes in a variety of flavors and claims to suppress your appetite while keeping you properly hydrated.

Skinny Water contains Super CitriMax and ChromeMate, which according to some studies seem to curb appetite. However, it is unclear if Skinny Water is an effective appetite suppressant, it has not been studied.

Skinny Nutritional Corp, the maker of Skinny Water, recommends drinking a bottle of Skinny Water 30 to 60 minutes prior to each meal. Obviously, if you drink a bottle of water before a meal, your stomach will be full of water, which helps reduce appetite.

Before I believe that Skinny Water helps people become, well, skinny, I need to see some reputable studies that are published in prestigious medical journals.

I think Skinny Water is an interesting concept, but I come from a school of thought that says: If you want to lose weight, you have to eat. So, any product that claims to reduce appetite is an automatic red flag for me, and Skinny Water is no exception.

You do not want to deprive your body, it actually needs food to burn calories and to perform a gazillion other functions. If, however, you have appetite control issues, drink a bottle of regular water before a meal and talk to your doctor about it.