Have you heard about the new Evian Detox campaign? No? If you live in a major city, they are coming to a neighborhood near you, Evian Detox Spas that...
You’ve no doubt heard many health professionals extol the benefits of eating a well-rounded breakfast that includes both protein and carbs.
But the truth is,...
Continued from Wagyu Steaks: Wagyu Beef Rules.
What is wagyu beef? Meaning, simply, Japanese (“wa“) cattle (“gyu“), this is the sumptuously marbled, meltingly tender meat of Japan’s...
Continued from The Twinkie Diet.
Potato Diet – real or not? Unfortunately, the Potato Diet is real. Does the Potato Diet work better than the Twinkie diet?...
People do crazy things to get toned arms. For example, despite the fact that clenbuterol has numerous side effects, some women use clenbuterol to tone their...
Continued from Raw Food Diet Menu.
Watermelon Tomato Gazpacho: 25 Minutes prep time, Serves 4.
3 c watermelon, seeded and pureed in a blender; 1 c seeded watermelon,...
The best diet-whether you’re attempting to shed extra pounds or just trying to stay healthy-is a well-balanced one. Well-balanced means your daily diet should...