Maria Lorenz

3 Health Benefits Of Cannabis In 2020

It can be hard to imagine in 2020 but it wasn’t that long ago when cannabis was widely considered to be a harmful and...

Can CBD Help Treat Alcoholism?

Those struggling with alcohol abuse know it’s an ever-present battle to stay sober. The twists and turns of sobriety are difficult to manage but...

3 Amazing Benefits of Cannabis for Your Immune System

Research proves CBD as a potential treatment for diseases like epilepsy and diabetes. Pain, anxiety, and insomnia are other conditions that CBD can treat....

Health Benefits of Yogurt: Yogurt and Your Diet

Health Benefits of Yogurt: Yogurt and Your DietAs many of our readers know, with a possible exception of raw organic milk, I pass on...

Mariska Hargitay Lost 40 Pounds: Diet & Workout

One of the hottest moms in Hollywood, Mariska Hargitay, lost 40 pounds and got her pregnancy body back in four months. How did she do...

The Evil Soy Empire

Dubbed the ultimate meat alternative of the 90s, praised by vegetarians, and health conscious consumers, soy products are sweeping the nation. A darling of...

Britney Spears: LipoDissolve and Plastic Surgery

Dissolve and Plastic SurgeryAccording to OK!, Britney Spears is hoping to get her body back with the help of LipoDissolve and plastic surgery. About two weeks ago, Britney Spears allegedly bought...

Shelley Michelle: Workout and Diet

When the time comes to shoot a magazine cover, makeup is girl’s best friend – – or was it diamonds? Maybe both, maybe you...

Healthy Beer: BluCreek Zen IPA

Healthy Beer. Is it not the ultimate dream of beer lovers? Maybe it is not, because many believe that in moderation, beer is healthy...

Ellen Pompeo Is Not Anorexic: Diet & Weight Gain

From “Grey’s Anatomy’s Ellen Pompeo Anatomy of a Late Bloomer” (Allure magazine), here is a part about Ellen Pompeo’s diet and weight issues. “The star of Grey’s Anatomy...

About Me

Join me on my "I Fit and Healthy" journey! Maria is an Upstate New Yorker interested in all things healthy-living related! She started the "I Fit and Healthy" Blog to document life and her pursuit of healthy living. By day she work in digital media and advertising. By night she’s a first-rate wife and mom of two crazy little girls! She is self-proclaimed addicted to her iPhone/iPad and always on the hunt for the latest health tools and fitness gadgets.
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