Toned Arms

Must Try

Maria Lorenz
Maria Lorenz
Join me on my "I Fit and Healthy" journey! Maria is an Upstate New Yorker interested in all things healthy-living related! She started the "I Fit and Healthy" Blog to document life and her pursuit of healthy living. By day she work in digital media and advertising. By night she’s a first-rate wife and mom of two crazy little girls! She is self-proclaimed addicted to her iPhone/iPad and always on the hunt for the latest health tools and fitness gadgets.

People do crazy things to get toned arms. For example, despite the fact that clenbuterol has numerous side effects, some women use clenbuterol to tone their arms and lose weight, which is obviously a very bad idea. Another example? Some women seem to think that they cannot have toned arms if they are overweight, which is partially true.

But does it mean you need to go to extraordinary lengths to lose 10 pounds in 3 days? Do you need to go to extraordinary lengths to lose 20 pounds in 2 months? The answer is no, you do not. Why not? Because to have toned arms, you need to have a multilayer approach to achieving your goal. It is not enough just to lose weight, and it is not enough just to lift weights. What does it take? Here is what JJ Virgin, author of Six Weeks to Sleeveless and Sexy says your plan should be:

Eat a healthy diet Help your body burn fat by eating three balanced meals of lean protein, loads of veggies, healthy fat and a small amount of high-fiber carbs daily, says Virgin. I cannot agree more. Your first priority should always be your diet, not taking supplements or even going to the gym. If your diet is out of whack, you can forget about toned arms or looking good in a bikini.

Stop snacking “Eating every two to three hours because it is good for your metabolism is a bunch of hooey. You are not raising your metabolism enough to counteract the calories you are eating,” says Virgin. I do not agree with her on this one. The point of eating every four hours or so is to have your meal more or less evenly spread out throughout the day, which stabilizes blood sugar and keeps you from snacking on bad stuff. In other words, instead of consuming, say, 1,500 calories (or whatever your daily calories limit is) in three meals, you can spread these same calories into five meals.

Do not do more cardio, do smarter cardio She recommends bursting – alternating a normal exercise pace with 30- to 60-second intense bursts of activity. According to Virgin, the so-called bursting prompts the release of human growth hormone, which could help you maintain muscle mass and burn fat.

Pump up the volume “You want to use the heaviest weight you can handle and maintain good form,” she says. Working the biceps and triceps is important, but toned shoulders really make the arms look great. Fit in strength training at least three times a week. In other words, go big or go home. If you want to have toned arms, you pretty much have to lift big weights. It is not easy, but you will like the results.

The bottom line on toned arms It might sound complicated, but it really is not. True, it takes time and dedication to develop toned arms. Contrary to popular belief, however, you do not need clenbuterol, complicated diets or fancy exercise programs. You only need two things: A healthy diet and a pair of heavy dumbbells. [via]

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