Slim Coffee

Must Try

Maria Lorenz
Maria Lorenz
Join me on my "I Fit and Healthy" journey! Maria is an Upstate New Yorker interested in all things healthy-living related! She started the "I Fit and Healthy" Blog to document life and her pursuit of healthy living. By day she work in digital media and advertising. By night she’s a first-rate wife and mom of two crazy little girls! She is self-proclaimed addicted to her iPhone/iPad and always on the hunt for the latest health tools and fitness gadgets.

While some misguided differently logical souls in Hollywood are losing weight on ClenbuterolSlim Coffee has quietly solved the weight-loss conundrum – – or has it?

Slim Coffee is not just a regular coffee; it contains Chromium, Garcinia, Green Tea extract and Hoodia Gordonii. It claims to significantly increase your metabolism and muscle mass.

Short infomercial explains that the Slim Coffee system has been clinically tested – all participants in a study lost weight, and over 50% also increased muscle mass.

You can drink away the pounds” and “your body is turned into a fat-burning furnace“, according to the advertising materials for Slim Coffee.

And the good news keep on coming – “Just substitute your coffee with out premium Slim Coffee system and start losing weight“, “Lose up to 5 pounds in a week!“, “Yes! We guarantee you will lose the weight and keep it off!” – according to Slim Coffee.

This is it ladies and gentleman, apparently the jig is up – Slim Coffee actually guarantees weight loss. Wait, wait a minute – – if it has been clinically tested, what is wrong with guaranteeing results?

Nothing, really, except that I could not find any references to this study, which does not necessarily mean it does not exist – though, if such study was ever conducted, one would think it would be in Slim Coffee’s best interest to publish it on their website.

As for Garcinia, Hoodia Gordonii, and other ingredients in Slim Coffee, there is no credible scientific evidence that they can shed the pounds away while you do nothing, as Slim Coffee claims.

Individually, these ingredients have been studied – for example, limited research shows that Hoodia Gordonii could help curb appetite and Green Tea extract may slightly elevate metabolism, but more studies are needed to determine if these supplements can promote weight loss.

In any case, to match the amount used in scientific trials, one would need to supplement with at least 1000-2400mg/day Garcinia, about 500mg/day Green Tea extract standardized to a minimum 60% polyphenols and/or EGCG, and around 800mg/day Hoodia Gordonii.

Slim Coffee does not disclose the amount of each ingredient – another red flag, which usually means that a product contains only a trivial amount of these ingredients.

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