Lose 5 Pounds in a Week


I need to lose 5 pounds in a week. I want to lose 5 pounds in a week, badly, but people tell me that I can’t lose 5 pounds in a week because I’m too fat. Is it true? Is it harder to lose 5 pounds in a week if you’re overweight like 35 pounds? I don’t know how to lose weight fast but I know I really want to lose weight ASAP and I’m willing to do whatever it takes to lose as much weight as possible as quickly as I can. I’ve tried many different diets with no results.

Are there any good diets out there that work in the real world? I think I need a structured diet. I mean, I just want to read a book or something that tells me what to eat and how to exercise to lose weight and be done with it. Please, please recommend a diet plan or a book or some weight loss program that I can follow to lose weight. Thank you, Katherine B. [via Ask Questions]

No, it is not true that you cannot lose 5 pounds in a week simply because you are overweight. It is true, however, that trying to lose 5 pounds in a week is not a good idea. Why? Most people can only lose about 2 pounds in a week, but even if you could lose 5 pounds in a week, I do not think you should focus on how much weight you want to lose. In my opinion, your focus should be on finding a good, balanced diet to follow and on learning how to eat healthy.

Speaking of good diets, I have heard good things about the following two weight-loss programs: Fat Loss For Idiots and Burn the Fat. I think they are exactly what you are looking for – i.e., they are simple to follow, and they tell you exactly what to do to lose weight without being preachy. Best of all, each program does not just tell you what to eat to lose weight, they teach you how to keep the lost weight off, which is obviously very important for a long term weight maintenance.

Personally, I believe most people can lose weight on their own without any diet programs, but some do require a structured plan of action. There is nothing wrong with that. I do not know which diets you have tried in the past, but most popular diets do not work because they require too much work, and also because they are overly restrictive. You should be comfortable with your diet. Sure, you will probably need to make some changes to the way you eat, but good diets do not exclude entire food groups, they teach you how to make smart food choices, and how to use portion control without depriving yourself.

In short, anyone can lose weight by eating everything in moderation and by being physically active. Eat a wide variety of vegetables, leafy greens, lean proteins, healthy fats, berries, apples, canned and fresh fish, eggs, egg whites, cheese, reduced fat yogurt (choose the one without added sugar), and whole grains. Stay away from simple carbohydrates. Quality protein bars, string cheese, almonds, and protein shakes are great for snacks or as a quick breakfast. Always eat breakfast!