Best Foods for Weight Loss


What are the best foods for weight loss? You have probably heard claims that certain foods can help you lose weight or that some foods can help you lose weight faster. But some diet gurus say that there is no such thing as the best foods for weight loss. You should include all food groups in your diet, moderation is the key to a healthy diet and weight loss, they claim.

Others do not agree. A number of fairly prominent (self-appointed) diet experts have assigned a “super status” to certain foods. They claim that these select foods should be put on the list of the best foods for weight loss, because they contain several micronutrients that can help people lose weight.

Yet a third group, which mainly consists of certified nutritionist that went rogue, recommends that people exclude several food groups from their diets, if they need to lose weight. They claim that the best foods for weight loss do exist, but they define them as “bad” foods that you should not be eating. These “bad” foods are the best foods for weight loss because if you do not eat them, you will lose weight.

What do I think? Do I believe in an existence of the best foods for weight loss? Generally, I do not like to pigeonhole food into “bad” or “good” categories. Sure, twinkies are bad for you, if you eat them every day. But if you follow a good diet most of the time, there is nothing wrong with eating a twinkie once in a while.

I also do not think people should focus on finding, say, vegetables that contain the most nutrients. Again, sure, some vegetables and fruits are more nutritious than others, but it is all about the balance. We should focus on eating a wide variety of fruits and vegetables instead of trying to cherry-pick the best ones. And no, I do not believe that certain foods contain special micronutrients that have been proven to aid weight loss.

The best foods for weight loss So, what is the bottom line on the best foods for weight loss? It is pretty straightforward. The best foods for weight loss are protein, healthy fats, vegetables, and fruits. If you need to lose weight, the best approach is to follow a balanced diet.

Let me repeat that again, a balanced diet is the key to weight loss. Your body needs a wide variety of vitamins, minerals and micronutrients to function properly. Do not waste your time trying to figure out which vegetable or fruit you should or should not be eating – eat all of them in moderation.