Maria Lorenz

Clean Air Zone Improves Bath’s Air Quality

Those who are following the Mercedes Dieselgate claims saga have something to be happy about - several months after it launched the Clean Air...

Six top tips to improve weightlifting performance

For many people, weightlifting is an enjoyable and effective form of keeping fit. It can be done at various levels and your weightlifting performance...

What Causes Migraines and How To Manage Them

A migraine is an extreme headache often impacting at least one side of the temple. It may be associated with other conditions such as...

3 Simple Ways Athletes Can Protect Their Physical Well-Being During the Sports Season

As an athlete, you may experience muscle pain, bodily aches, fatigue and a range of other health problems due to physical exertion during your...

All you ought to know about Cardarine

Cardarine is a pharma product that is believed to bring about changes in the biological processes in your body. Different names in the market...

The Angry Drunk: Why Alcoholics Get Angry

An angry drunk is a well-known person in millions of families across the United States. This is a person that gets angry when they...

Different Types of Drugs You Can Become Addicted To

One of the factors that most influence the speed of the development of a dependency on drugs is the route by which the substance...

The Beginners Guide to Golfing

The Beginners Guide to Golfing is a comprehensive guide that teaches the basics of golf and how you can enjoy it. There are a...

Top 3 Housing Materials That Are Hazardous to Your Health

Your home is supposed to a place where you and your family can unwind and relax. Your home provides you shelter and protection. So, it...

How to Tell if You are An Alcohol Addict

Moderate drinking is not as severe. However, sometimes you may think that you are moderately drinking when you are actually addicted to alcohol. You...

About Me

Join me on my "I Fit and Healthy" journey! Maria is an Upstate New Yorker interested in all things healthy-living related! She started the "I Fit and Healthy" Blog to document life and her pursuit of healthy living. By day she work in digital media and advertising. By night she’s a first-rate wife and mom of two crazy little girls! She is self-proclaimed addicted to her iPhone/iPad and always on the hunt for the latest health tools and fitness gadgets.
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