Lance Bass: Diet and Workout


After ‘N Sync split in 2002, Lance Bass, formed a production company. The company’s name is Bacon and Eggs, and that just may be Bass’s problem: “I love, love food,” he says, “and I have ADD. It’s hard for me to focus on long workouts.”

Lance Bass: Diet and Workout

People magazine asked celebrity trainer Michael Alexander to whip the former ‘N Sync star into shape. Here is how it went down.

Lance Bass’s Five-Week Tone-Up

Week 1 At 178 lbs. and 19 percent body fat, it’s clear the 5’10” Bass hasn’t made fitness a priority lately. “I’m from the South, where everything is fried,” he says. “I love fried chicken, country-fried steak.”

Now, though, “I want to get cut up and trimmed down for TV,” he says, “and to make exercise feel like a part of my life, not a chore.” Enter trainer Mike Alexander, who put Jessica Simpson through her paces for The Dukes of Hazzard.

At the Sports Club/ L.A. in Beverly Hills, he starts Bass on 50-minute cardio and strength-training sessions four times a week.

Week 2 Bass is making progress. “He has good coordination, dexterity and genes,” Alexander says. “This is not so much a case of losing weight as of building muscle and getting lean.” And he’s getting Sunfare’s Zone program delivered daily.

The three meals-from a cheddar bacon breakfast wrap to chicken parmesan for lunch to mustard-glazed salmon for dinner-and two snacks (2,000 calories) are, he says, “some of the best food I’ve ever had.”

Week 3 His cardio regimen is “boring,” he says. “Thank goodness the gym has TVs. I’m catching up on all my judge shows.” But he loves strength training. “I saw my abs shape up fast, so I want to do more and more,” he says.

Week 4 Bass credits pals with keeping him in line. “If they see me eating something I’m not supposed to, they yell at me,” he says. “And I’m a shy guy, but it’s nice when you’ve been working hard and people notice.”

Week 5 Bass has lost 8 lbs. and 6 percent body fat. “I see a huge change,” he says. “I had no abs; now I have an eight-pack! I never had a chest; now I do. I sound like an infomercial, but getting in shape has changed my life.”

How He Did It

Cardio Though it wasn’t his favorite, Bass ran on the treadmill for at least 30 minutes a day, three days a week, “That got his heart rate up,” says Alexander.

Strength Training Bass worked anterior muscles Monday and Thursday, posterior Tuesday and Friday.

He’d do 3 sets of 15 crunches on an exercise ball and 3 sets of 12 chest presses with 40-lb. dumbbells, reverse lunges with 20-lb. dumbbells, and squats with a 155-lb. barbell on his back. [source: People]