Ways IV Hydration Therapy Will Boost Your Immune System

Boost Your Immune System
Boost Your Immune System

There are many reasons why you may want stronger immunity. To be honest, your immune system performs exceptionally in defending your body against sicknesses and diseases. It’s got a complex and pervasive network in each organ in your body that keeps records of microbes it has defeated and transforms daily to defend your body against diseases.

Unfortunately, your immune system isn’t perfect. Often, it may fail. That’s why a virus may make you sick. Furthermore, dietary habits, dehydration, vitamin deficiencies, stress, and lack of sleep may weaken it further. The good news is that you can strengthen it through IV therapy. With proper hydration administered through intravenous infusion, you’ll get antioxidants and essential vitamins that your body requires to function optimally.

Here are some ways IV hydration therapy will enhance your immune system:

  1. It Supplies Minerals And Essential Vitamins

According to a report by the CDC, 1 in 10 Americans lacks the key minerals and vitamins required to make one healthy. The report also discovered that orally taken and water-soluble vitamin supplements don’t completely combat nutritional deficiencies. That means that the fistful minerals and vitamins you take in the morning aren’t a quick fix after all. These supplements need to be digested, and chances are that you may only absorb 40% of the vitamins you ingest. You’ll discard the rest as waste.

IV hydration therapy delivers a refreshing nourishing fluid solution directly into your vein, sending the right concentrations of essential minerals and vitamins straight to your bloodstream. That way, your cells take up the vitamins and use them to enhance your health. According to Dr. Patrick Rhonda, a nutritional health expert, oral supplements will impact your immune system to some extent. However, for therapeutic treatment and long-term results, you need IV treatments.

IV Hydration Therapy And Vitamin C

Your body can’t produce vitamin C. So, you must get it from external sources. That’s why most people opt to buy supplements and IV treatment formulas from Livv Natural and other clinics to boost their vitamin C concentration.

Vitamin C is an antioxidant and water-soluble vitamin that impacts your immune system’s cells. It’s closely linked with antibody production. You require it for support and fighting diseases. A deficiency of vitamin C can result in increased vulnerability to illnesses and frequent and long-lasting colds.

An IV hydration therapy that has vitamin C will not only strengthen your immune system but defend it against invaders. You can use it if you have a weakened immune system, flu, and cold symptoms, and fine wrinkles. It can also help your wounds to heal quickly.

  1. It Repairs Immune Function And Eliminates Toxins

One of the most important benefits of IV hydration treatment is its ability to cleanse your body and rid it of harmful free radicals.

Free radicals are toxins that your body can produce naturally or get from external sources. Interestingly, these radicals can act both as beneficial and toxic compounds. When they act as toxic compounds, they may damage your tissues and weaken your immunity. They’re normally created by normal metabolic functions, though external sources like medication, pollution, radiation, and cigarette smoke may also bring them. If they build over time, they may imbalance the healthy oxidants that boosts your immunity.

When the imbalance is great and the radicals can no longer be naturally regulated, the accumulation will generate oxidative stress. This stress may weaken your immune system and make it vulnerable to aging, cardiovascular disease, and cancer.

How IV Hydration Therapy Detoxifies The Body

Your body naturally has an elaborate antioxidant system that fights oxidative stress and boosts your immune system. These systems inhibit the formation of free radicals thus preventing cells from damage. They also regulate the build-up of harmful oxidants.

However, frequent exposure to external toxins may heighten the oxidative stress to the point that the body’s systems can’t control it. To eliminate these oxidants, you may need supplements antioxidants.

That’s where IV hydration therapies come in. They eliminate toxins from the body by offering nourishing antioxidants that strengthen the immune system, cleanse the bloodstream, and neutralize oxidative stress. They also deliver crucial antioxidant supplements like vitamin C, L-Carnitine, and L-Glutathione. The best thing about IV hydration treatments is that it’s directly absorbed into the bloodstream, thereby bypassing gastrointestinal metabolism.

  1. It Replenishes White Blood Cells

IV hydration therapy is popularly known for its hydration qualities. Truth be told, your body needs to be properly hydrated to have a healthy immune system. But your immune system also depends on your bloodstream to transport antibodies and immune cells. So if you’re dehydrated, your body won’t property move these antibodies and cells. Instead, it may be vulnerable to infections and harmful antigens.

Your body also needs to be hydrated when you’re sick. Your body needs more water to fuel the cells and boost immunity when you’re ill. Proper hydration will also give you extra energy. But studies constantly show that several people are chronically dehydrated. A 2013 research discovered that about 75% of Americans may be suffering from chronic dehydration. Interestingly, most of these individuals know that they’re supposed to drink plenty of water.

If you can’t find time to drink water, you want to go for frequent IV hydration treatment. That way, you’ll deliver the required electrolytes into your bloodstream and completely nourish your body. The result: your immunity will also be boosted.

Is IV Hydration Safe

The administration of IV hydration therapy is generally a safe process and can be tolerated by almost everyone. Very few patients experience some side effects during or after the treatment. One of the most common effects you may experience is an infection where the needle is placed. Others include air embolism (very rare), and hematoma.

To avoid experiencing these side effects, you should consult your physician before going to therapy. They should tell you whether the procedure is safe based on your condition. Experienced practitioners will even stay with you during the entire time and monitor treatment and ensure you’re comfortable.

Wrapping Up

IV hydration therapy is popular for hydrating people’s bodies. But very few individuals know that it can also help to boost their immunity. These are but a few ways that this therapy treatment can boost your immune system and keep you healthy.