Ready Fiber


Ready Fiber is a new fiber supplement, which delivers a whopping 11 grams of fiber per ounce. Plus, it is sugar-free, tasteless, colorless, and odorless.

If that is not enough, it has no grit or texture, no artificial sweeteners or flavors – and it does not contain glutens, yeast or starch.

Ready Fiber can be taken “as is” with no water or mixing, and can be added directly to any hot or cold food, or beverage. Many fiber supplements use insoluble fiber, which may affect the absorption of some nutrients.

Ready Fiber contains only soluble fiber, which does not affect the absorption of other nutritional supplements and nutrients. It also contains FOS. What is FOS? FOS (fructooligosaccharides) is a special sugar-like digestive aid.

According to Dr. Atkins’ Vita-Nutrient Solution, it “may offer some benefits that table sugar could never provide: it might help lower high blood sugar and, equally improbable, aid in preventing cavities.

FOS turns these tricks because it’s not absorbed by the body. Instead it’s fodder for the friendly flora in our intestines. Consuming the compound allows our beneficial bacteria to grow and proliferate.

The term applied to such benefactors of probiotics is “prebiotics.” FOS is the most important of this group.

Besides controlling cavities and bringing down diabetic blood sugars, FOS may favorably influence blood pressure, cholesterol, and triglycerides, according to the small amount of research conducted so far.

FOS is found naturally in many fruits and vegetables, including bananas, onions, barley, tomatoes, asparagus, and garlic.

You cannot obtain a therapeutic amount from food, however, and the presence of other sugars diminishes or negates its effect.”

While I am on the subject of fiber supplements, Benefiber is another product which only contains soluble fiber. It is a great product but it does not contain FOS. Of course, the best way to get fiber is from your diet.

However, if you are not getting a minimum recommended amount of fiber, which is around 30 grams a day, Ready Fiber or Benefiber might be a valuable addition to your diet. Personally, I use both products from time to time.