Jessica Simpson: Weight Loss and Workout


Continued from Jessica Simpson: 20 Lbs in Two Months Diet. Although Jessica Simpson was down to a size-26 waist for the bikini bod she flaunted in 2005’s Dukes of Hazzard, she didn’t stay that way.

It has been estimated that the 5-foot-3 Simpson weighted around 145 pounds in April of this year, but as of June 15, had dropped down to 120 pounds.

How did she do that? Celebrity trainer Harley Pasternak, whose 5-Factor Diet and Fitness Plan – consisting of five small meals six days a week (plus one diet-free cheat day), and five weekly workouts – are responsible for her weight loss and better fitness level.

Simpson is using cardio and circuit training to prepare for her upcoming flick Major Movie Star. “I’m back on an extreme diet and workout,” she says. But Jessica is not going for the ultra-skinny look, she’s keeping her curves.

“We’re not trying for a G.I. Jane look,” says Pasternak, who never weights or measures his clients. He’s making Jessica toned and her muscles defined, but wants to preserve “her femininity.”

Jessica Simpson’s Workout. Simpson is no stranger to sweating (after enduring four months of up to two-hour workouts, six days a week, with trainer Mike Alexander to shape up for Dukes), she has also taken to Pasternak’s focused fitness routine of full-body strength training circuits.

To lose weight and shape up, all Pasternak’s clients exercise and diet and Jessica is no exception. The basics of the 5-Factor fitness program are simple:

Five sweat sessions a week (for 25 to 45 minutes) divided into five phases: cardio warm-up (think cycling), an upper-body strength exercise, a lower-body strength exercise, a core (midsection) move and more fat-burning cardio.

“She really enjoys that the workouts aren’t too long,” he says of her 45-minute sessions, which are a modification of the 25-minute stints Pasternak recommends for most people on the plan. [via]