Jennifer Love Hewitt Weight Loss, Diet, Workout


Jennifer Love Hewitt‘s weight loss of 18 pounds is hardly surprising. Hewitt denies that her sudden weight loss has anything to do with the Hollywood’s pressure to look thin, but I think there is a connection.

Hewitt can deny it all she wants, the reality is this: in Hollywood, it does not matter whether or not you are actually overweight, if you are perceived as being overweight and or unfit, you just not going to get the job you want, and she knows it.

So how did Jennifer Love Hewitt lose weight? No surprises there, she changed her diet and started taking exercise seriously.

Jennifer Love Hewitt’s diet Hewitt started her weight-loss program on a 1,500- to 1,800-calorie-a-day diet, but now sticks to a daily 1,200 to 1,500 calories. “You reassess every couple weeks as the weight drops,” says her personal trainer, Sant’Angelo, who keeps her client munching on whole grains (but only until 2 P.M. or 3 P.M., to maintain energy and prevent late-night snacking), protein, veggies and fruit.

Breakfast 2 servings of mixed fruit (like 2 oranges, 1 grapefruit or 6 oz of strawberries, blueberries or raspberries) and 1 cup of low-fat Greek yogurt or ¾ cup of cottage cheese.

Snack Apple with 1 to 2 tbsp of natural peanut butter.

Lunch Turkey sandwich with lettuce, tomatoes, sprouts, 1/2 tsp mayo and 1/2 tsp mustard on Ezekiel sprouted bread.

Snack 2 Laughing Cow 2 oz cheese cubes and 3 cups of mixed greens, carrots and broccoli.

Dinner 8 oz roasted chicken breast or fish with 2 cups of veggies, such as steamed artichokes, wok-seared mushrooms and snow-pea pods.

Jennifer Love Hewitt’s workout Hewitt’s workouts last for about 1 hour and she does them three to four times a week.

Warm-up Ten minutes of cardio (think jumping rope or running forward, backward and sideways on the treadmill).

Toning For 45 minutes, Hewitt does a kettlebell-focused workout that includes the following: one-arm military presses using 18-pound cast-iron bells, bicep curls with 15-pound bells paired with squats, single-leg touch-downs with a tricep kickback using 18-pound bells and jumps holding 15-pound bells (three sets of 15 reps each). She ends with three one-minute full-body planks.

On her own Hewitt’s solo hour-long workout begins with 40 minutes of cardio, such as roller skating (her favorite), incline training on the treadmill or swimming. Next, she targets her upper body with three sets each of 15 pushups, three-minute body planks and one-minute bicycle crunches.

For her lower body, Hewitt does 25 lunges on each leg (three sets), tones her inner thighs and core by lying on her back with hands underneath the tailbone and opening and closing legs in a Y position (three sets of 50 reps) and ends with three sets of 50 donkey kicks. [via]

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Join me on my "I Fit and Healthy" journey! Maria is an Upstate New Yorker interested in all things healthy-living related! She started the "I Fit and Healthy" Blog to document life and her pursuit of healthy living. By day she work in digital media and advertising. By night she’s a first-rate wife and mom of two crazy little girls! She is self-proclaimed addicted to her iPhone/iPad and always on the hunt for the latest health tools and fitness gadgets.