How to Get Rid of Cellulite: The CelluBike?

Must Try

Maria Lorenz
Maria Lorenz
Join me on my "I Fit and Healthy" journey! Maria is an Upstate New Yorker interested in all things healthy-living related! She started the "I Fit and Healthy" Blog to document life and her pursuit of healthy living. By day she work in digital media and advertising. By night she’s a first-rate wife and mom of two crazy little girls! She is self-proclaimed addicted to her iPhone/iPad and always on the hunt for the latest health tools and fitness gadgets.

Would you like to know how to get rid of cellulite? Who does not want to know how to get rid of cellulite? Maybe you do not, but many women routinely spend almost wicked amounts of money in hopes of finding out how to do this.

Of course, there are products out there, which do not tell you how get rid of cellulite – rather, they claim that they actually do remove cellulite. You know what I am talking about, right?

Anti-cellulite creams, anti-cellulite diets, anti-cellulite massages, cellulite gels, cellulite laser treatments, cellulite body raps, cellulite pills and, my all time favorites: cellulite jeans and cellulite shoes – they all claim to reduce cellulite.

Unfortunately, these products do not work, but the question remains – what can you do to get rid of cellulite?

“Oh no, you did not!” – was my response, when a good friend of mine (who is a certified personal trainer) told me she has been testing a new product – The CelluBike.

The CelluBike is a new futuristic-looking gadget, which promises – you guessed it – to remove thigh and butt cellulite without surgery.

“Take the ride of your life, and leave your fat behind for a smoother, stronger, healthier, younger looking body, without surgery” – proclaims CelluBike’s website. Who would not be up for that?

So how does the CelluBike work? Hang on to your seats folks and prepare for some heavy pedaling in uncharted cellulite waters – we are going on a wild ride!

Unlike invasive liposuction or over-the-counter anticellulite treatments, the CelluBike engages the bodies own force to actually eliminate, not disguise or forcibly remove cellulite, from the body. While peddling the recumbent bicycle at 75% of your maximum heart rate, the Certified Technician will position the array of infrared lights onto your problem areas.

Infrared energy […] penetrates the surface of the skin up to 1-1/2″and warms and softens the hardened cellulite. […] the increased cardio activity of the bloodstream combined with the accelerated metabolic processes […] flushes the cellulite away through the digestive system […] You will see these residues leaving your system through the sweat glands […]

There you have it, the question of how to get rid of cellulite has been answered – zap that fat with infrared energy! The CelluBike recommends 15 treatments, which means – with the going rate of around $100 – this rip-off innovative cellulite treatment will cost you around $1,500.

As for scientific proof, that the CelluBike effectively removes cellulite, they are a little short, like, none. I could not find any studies which linked pedaling for 40 minutes (as recommended) under infrared light with the reduction of cellulite.

My friend did say that under those infrared lights she was sweating profusely – which explains why she has experienced overall weight loss, and her arms, thighs, calves, and butt seemed leaner.

But because she has lost what is known as water weight, she was back to her normal bodyweight in a few days. Oh well, there is always Clenbuterol – – I am kidding!

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