Healthy Beer: BluCreek Zen IPA


Healthy Beer. Is it not the ultimate dream of beer lovers? Maybe it is not, because many believe that in moderation, beer is healthy anyway.

Some people remain unconvinced. If you are one of them, Wisconsin microbrewers came up with a clever solution. Take “healthy” beer and add some green tea to it. The result is BluCreek Zen IPA or perhaps the world’s healthiest beer, but they did not just stop there.

How do you take a healthy beer and take it to a place where no beer has ever gone before? Low-carb beer is so yesterday, so it is not going to cut it. Hmm…

The same Wisconsin microbrewer has an answer. They took a mix of ingredients that are commonly found in some fat burners or weight loss supplements and put them in a perfectly fine beer.

When I picked up a bottle of BluCreek (Honey) Herbal Ale, I was not sure if I was looking at a new weight loss supplement, a beer, or perhaps both.

It contains a potent Ginseng rootGinkgo Biloba and Guarana. Watch out for Red Bull and Vodka, this could be your first serious competition.

The only missing component in this beer seems to be the “How to Lose Weight on Stimulants and Alcohol” booklet, but I hope the marketing department is working on it.

Finally, yet importantly, who would not want to drink beer that could help prevent Alzheimer’s disease? Perhaps BluCreek (Wild) Blueberry Ale could help. They even set up a separate website for this beer where they are hinting at why they put blueberries into their beer.

I am always on the lookout for new, innovative products related to health and fitness, and I applaud the companies who go out of their way to make their products unique. I do not even have a problem with the concept of healthy beer.

But do we need an already good beer to pretend to be something else?