Ali Fedotowsky Lost 15 Pounds


Continued from Ali Fedotowsky’s Weight Loss.

Ali Fedotowsky lost 15 pounds. Does anyone care that Ali Fedotowsky lost 15 pounds? Given what we already know about her diet and workout (if you have not already, you might want to take a look at the Ali Fedotowsky’s Workout and Ali Fedotowsky’s Diet posts), I am not surprised that Ali Fedotowsky lost 15 pounds.

First of all, while losing 15 pounds has certainly made her look better (especially in a bikini), she has not lost that much weight. 15 pounds is not a lot. And it is a good thing. Why? Because celebrities often lose more weight than they need to lose. The end result is not something I want to see. You know, who wants to look at another Rachel Zoe? I do not, well, except maybe on Halloween.

Second, what most people probably want to know the most is not how she lost 15 pounds, but if they can use her weight-loss technique and apply it in the real world to lose 5 pounds in a week – can you actually do that? You be the judge. In a recent interview, she elaborated on how she lost weight and what she does to stay in shape.

What are some of your favorite low-cal foods? I love air-popped popcorn – it fills me up! I also love artichokes! I even made my instant messaging status say: “If I had a million dollars, I would pay someone to cook me artichokes!” I love to steam them up for a snack. When I am on the go, I always have a nutrition bar with me for energy.

What workouts are you doing? I try to do an hour a day. I started with a trainer named Anthony at Lava Sports and Fitness in San Diego. We have been boxing! I even have my own boxing gloves. We do full-contact kickboxing. It’s an awesome workout.

How does working out make you feel? When I am doing the Physique 57 classes, I can feel it right away! They use isometric movements that target your smaller muscle groups that create definition.

Any gym bag essentials? I always have my Biore Makeup Removing Towelettes in my gym bag. You have to wash off your makeup before you work out and this does the job quickly! I have been loving Skechers Shape-ups! They are sneakers that make it much harder to run and they really help to shape your butt! Also, you have got to stay hydrated -water, water, water! [via]