Exercises You Can Do To Complement Your Weight Loss Diet

exercises for weight loss
exercises for weight loss

If you are on a weight loss diet, the best thing you can do is incorporate some weight loss exercises to help you achieve your weight loss goals fast. You have to focus on workouts that burn more calories, including those that involve weights. Strength equipment is essential to a good workout routine. To learn more, visit MAGMA. Some exercises burn more calories than others. Check them out below.

Jumping rope

Jumping rope is good for boosting calf and ankle strength, cardiovascular endurance, core strength, posture, and coordination. It also improves bone density, essential protection against bone loss, osteoporosis, and other bone problems. Jumping rope burns more than 600calories per hour when you jump 120skips per minute. The best practice when jumping rope is to start slow and do it in a 20-30seconds burst. Try to master the flick of the wrist and your timing, then increase the speed.

Kettlebell circuits

Kettlebell circuits is a calorie-burning exercise you can easily incorporate into your gym training routine. They are a sequence of movements you make without putting the kettlebell weights down, so they work both strength and cardio. Basically, you lift weights in a way that burns fat and builds muscles while keeping your heart rate up. You can also include a squat, core, and pushups so that you work out your entire body for more calorie burning. It is best to alternate between upper and lower body workouts so that you keep going without fatiguing.


You can sprint on a treadmill, walkway, or at the track. Charging ahead at high speeds during a sprint workout promotes fat burning and improves your cardiovascular endurance. It needs a lot of power from your glutes and hamstrings, which revs up that inner energy for more calorie burning. To make the most out of the workout, try sprinting at a pace you can maintain for 20seconds. Also, you can sprint up a hill or stairs to increase your intensity more.


Running is the easiest way to burn fat hence an effective exercise for weight loss. It works out the muscles in your legs, and it also has high impacts since you have to push your body off the road with every stride. You can try intervals for runs while alternating with jogging and walking. It can be as easy as running every morning for a specific distance or using a treadmill at the gym.

Spinning or cycling

Besides being an aerobic activity, cycling at intervals on an exercise bike is particularly effective in burning body fat. Spinning strengthens your hamstrings and knees, and it is a good workout if you have knee problems. Ensure you maintain a good posture when cycling; the chest should be up, shoulders back and down, and a flat back. Then incorporate sprint intervals at fast paces to burn more calories.

Climbing stairs

Climbing stairs more often is another way of burning more calories. You work out your legs and hips in the process and also promote your cardio strength. It is best to always skip the lift for the stairs, especially if you sit down for long hours during work.

The takeaway

Be committed to your workouts and be consistent if you want to achieve better results.