5 Affordable Alternative Pain Relief Sources

Affordable Alternative Pain Relief Sources
Affordable Alternative Pain Relief Sources

Living with pain can be one of the toughest challenges you’ll face, particularly if the pain is a chronic issue. In such instances, you may not want to rely solely on prescription medications that often come with worrisome side effects. Fortunately, there are natural therapies you can try, either alone or in conjunction with your prescription regimen, to combat the discomfort. Read on to discover five affordable alternative pain relief sources. One or more might just work for you.

1. CBD Oil

Cannabidiol, more commonly referred to as CBD, is becoming a popular natural pain relief option. CBD is a compound found in the cannabis plant. You don’t have to worry about this remedy causing any psychedelic or mind-altering effects. It won’t give you a euphoric or “high” feeling like THC, another compound found in marijuana. CBD has a number of uses. It can relieve anxiety and improve sleep. It also acts as an effective pain reliever for such issues as back pain and arthritis. CBD oil works with the body’s cannabinoid receptors to reduce inflammation. You can take it several different ways. You can place a few drops of CBD oil under your tongue or in your beverage for fast absorption. Another speedy way to get the compound into your system is through a CBD vape. It also comes in topical form and can be applied directly to the source of pain.


TENS may sound like an odd name, but it’s actually a very effective and inexpensive form of pain relief. TENS stands for “transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation.” A device known as a TENS unit is used to deliver a mild electrical current to the target pain area. The unit emits the current through leads that are attached to electrodes. You simply place the electrodes where you’re experiencing pain and then set the device to your desired level. A TENS unit blocks pain signals before they’re able to reach your brain, providing instant comfort.

3. Essential Oils

Essential oils have been a trusted source of pain relief for centuries. They can serve to supplement your primary pain management regimen. Some of the more commonly-used oils for the relief of various kinds of discomfort include peppermint, rosehip, clary sage, and eucalyptus oil. These can be applied topically or placed in your bath water to ease your discomfort. They’re also great when included in your massage oil. Aromatherapy with essential oils can also aid in relaxation and a feeling of ease. Try using an oil diffuser with lavender or rosemary essential oil for its calming and analgesic properties. In addition, you can ingest certain oils like flaxseed and chamomile for their anti-inflammatory and sedative benefits.

4. Turmeric

Turmeric is a root that is also known as curcumin. It’s used as a spice in various cuisines such as Indian cooking, and it is known to have anti-inflammatory properties. Studies have shown that turmeric offers substantial pain relief for arthritis, exercise muscle soreness, and other forms of joint and muscle pain. You can add turmeric to your recipes, as it can be fun to experiment with new flavors. It’s likely more effective to purchase it in capsule form. Look for a supplement containing at least 95 percent curcuminoids. Be careful not to take more than the dose recommended on the label. This could lead to nausea or diarrhea.

5. Arnica

If you’re dealing with inflammation, along with bruising or swelling, arnica is a wonderful option to try for such discomfort. Arnica is a perennial plant with bright yellow daisy-like flowers. It can grow up to two feet tall. You may also have heard it referred to as wolf’s bane. The popularity of this supplement has grown tremendously through word of mouth as more and more individuals began experiencing significant results. You can find arnica in both an ointment and pill form, depending on your preference or on which method works best for your specific type of pain and swelling.

This list is a good go-to source to find an alternative pain relief remedy that works for your particular ailment and lifestyle. It may take some trial and error, but you’re likely to find one or more that works well for your needs and doesn’t come with unwanted side effects.