Weight Gain Supplements


Weight gain supplements – have you ever tried any of them? They promise to help you gain weight. How do they do that? They are loaded with sugar, protein and fat – – think more sugar than protein.

As for calories, even the best weight gain supplements contain about 600 calories per serving. If I am a real “hardgainer“, what is 600 calories for someone like me? Not much…

Other than an inadequate amount of calories to induce impressive weight gain, weight gain supplements have another problem – taste. They just do not taste all that good. So if you are a “hardgainer” and even the best weight gain supplements cannot help you, what can you do?

You can always count on the Double Whopper. According to the Diet-Blog, it is being promoted in the UK as a burger for “real men”.

At 923 calories, it seems superior to weight gain supplements, but I am a bit disappointed – – surely, “real” men would need more than just a little over 900 calories to gain weight.

I knew that when it comes to gaining weight, I could always count on my fellow Americans. We are an innovative bunch. We know how to gain weight right.

After all, we are world famous for our burgers and we just have made the Double Whopper obsolete – – and at the same time, we have put all weight gain supplements to shame.

You see, the real men, the real American men, need a real burger. After all, for years the country has been struggling to feed Jay Cutler and Ronnie Coleman – – they need what, about 10,000 calories on a slow day?

Finally, the Heart Attack Grill in Tempe, Arizona, has solved the problem. The Quadruple Bypass Burger has gone on sale in the US. According to the Sun, this 8,000-calorie burger “has four slabs of beef weighing 2lbs, three cheese layers, four bacon rashers, lettuce and tomato.

[…]Also on the menu is the slightly smaller Triple Bypass Burger and Flatliner Fries cooked in pure lard. […] A spokesman said: “You have to be a real man to dine here.” ”

Oh, and they offer “wheelchairs to cart off belly-busted customers.” How cute is that?