The Angry Drunk: Why Alcoholics Get Angry

Why Alcoholics Get Angry
Why Alcoholics Get Angry

An angry drunk is a well-known person in millions of families across the United States. This is a person that gets angry when they are drunk, in a way that is scary and often violent. It is well-known in legal and health care circles that angry drunks are frequently associated with violent crime. In Germany, one study showed that one in three violent acts occurred under the influence of alcohol.

Experts at centers such as know that the link between anger and drinking is clear. There are both biological and environmental causes to this problem. Learn more about the causes of angry drinking here, and why alcoholics get angry.

Biological Causes of Angry Drunks

Alcohol is frequently connected to anger and violence. It is connected so frequently that the term “angry drunk” is one in our everyday vernacular. There are a number of reasons for this, and biology is a leading cause. That is because when someone drinks, their brain chemistry, and internal biology change. This prevents them from thinking clearly and making safe decisions.

The primary biological change in a body that leads to angry drinking is a change in the executive functioning of the person. The brain is home to a lobe that is called the frontal lobe. This lobe of the brain spans the forehead and moves up the crown of the head. This lobe handles all executive decision-making. It allows us to see ahead to the consequences of our actions, plan our lives and create schedules, organize things in our life, and regulate our impulses and emotions.

When someone drinks, the brain chemistry is altered in a way that this executive planning center is altered. Impulse control goes away, and we don’t see ahead to the consequences of our actions. For many people, this is a situational change that goes away when we stop drinking. For many other people, this is a situational change in our bodies that leads to violence and anger.

Alcohol does not cause aggression and anger. The person that is drinking causes that. Their thinking is impaired. Alcohol abuse often leads to anger management problems, with experts saying that alcohol abuse is a “double whammy” when it comes to anger management. This doesn’t happen to everybody, but it does happen a lot.

Social Causes of Angry Drunks

There are always going to be contributing factors to a person’s anger. Drinking could be one of them. A person that gets angry every time they drink, or often during drinking, has poor coping skills and an unhealthy outlook on life and relationships. Drinking will trigger violent tendencies that they already have.

In many homes across the country, this leads to victims of the angry drunk. The angry drunk gets away with this a lot. So the cycle continues. The anger leads to violence, the violence often leads to crime, and the crime leads to a household crisis. The cycle continues because the angry drunk can not accept the word “no,” and continues the behavior to prove they don’t need to accept the word “no.”

Social contributors to this include a family history of alcoholism and/or violence, a history of trauma, or a history of mental health problems. Treatment is the only way out for the angry drunk. Those around them that are their victims can help after they have found safety.

Seek Support Today

If you are a victim of an angry drunk or see your life spiraling out of control, clinical treatment is the safest way to deal with this problem. You are not alone. Contact a center like for help today.

Check out The Hader Clinic for more information on drug addiction help.