SlimDelices: French Diet Secret to Weight Loss


Apparently, the French secret to weight loss is not the French diet. What is it, then…the attitude? Nope. It is the diet pills, of course!

I bet the French people have never heard of SlimDelices or their weight loss products, but here, in U.S., they are advertised like this:

“The French Secret To Weight Loss.

If you want dramatic weight loss results – fast – do what the French do. SlimDelices. Successful weight loss products from France that include the delicious tastes of coffee, chocolate and tea – now available to you.

In a double blind clinical study, people who used SlimDelices Quick Slim lost an average weight of 42.13 pounds in four months. That’s over 10 pounds a month. The secret is the whole product line. The slimming pills help you lose the weight quickly.

And the delicious Chocla Slim, Cafe Slim and Tea Slim help you lose weight too. […] Start SlimDelices today. And before you know it, you’ll be ooh-la-la.”

Ooh-la-la? Au Contraire! The fine print from the same ad reveals something interesting about this “double blind clinical study,” which does not appear to be published in any legitimate scientific publication.

“Subjects on a 1,300 calorie/day diet. Average loss of 42.13 lbs is compared to an average loss of 18.8 lbs by subjects on the same diet with a placebo pill.

Rapid weight loss programs and very limited daily calorie intake may pose increased risk for the average consumer and should be undertaken only by obese patients under physician supervision…”

Translation: If you reduce calories to 1,300 a day, you will lose weight. Keep in mind though – such indiscriminate calorie reduction is potentially dangerous and may slow down your metabolism.

All SlimDelices weight loss products contain a variety of stimulants (guarana, bitter orange extract, green tea extract, and maté leaf extract) – and stimulants certainly increase metabolic rate – though they remain largely unproven and over-hyped as effective weight loss aids.