Reasons Why Power Towers Are Good To Build Muscles

Power Tower
Power Tower

The power tower is one of the best home-workout choices. It doesn’t require a great deal of space. You can train all areas of your body. More experienced practitioners can add weights for high-level workouts, while a support band sounds like a world-class option for beginners.

This lovely training tool offers so many unique workouts to strengthen your arms, back, shoulders, and abdominal muscles. Say goodbye to excuses, you should just let your creativity lead you en route to the perfect physical look!

Building Muscles – Why Power Tower Works?

Less Stress

It is an affordable piece of training equipment that saves a lot of space and gives you so many creative options.

You don’t have to drive to the gym and get irritated by traffic along the way. Your muscles are going to grow slower and your performance will get worse when you’re under a huge level of unnecessary stress. Plus, you’ll have a greater chance of hurting yourself.

Remember, everybody’s under the stress because of work, bills, emotional issues… Stick to the positive things in your life!

Power towers are mobile pieces of equipment, so try training in nature on a nice, sunny day out. Great way to relax your mind and boost your mood.

You Don’t Have To Be “Strong Enough”

Beginners are going to say – wait, I have never done calisthenics before, my arms are too weak. Ok, good reason, but have you heard of support (resistance) bands?

Yes, we know it costs a bit more money, but look on the bright side – when you get stronger, you’ll use a pull-up dip station with ease.

You Can Train Alone

Some people don’t like to exercise surrounded by other people. Especially when they haven’t taken part in a training session for a long time, or when their body fat levels are too big.

Yet, a power tower lets you train inside of your home, away from people. Nobody will troll you because of your “poor performance”.

Pull-Up Dip Stations – Training Levels And Creativity

There are tons of different workouts for various training levels. But you must get to know the drills to understand how it works. Here are some exercises for different areas of your body.

The most often power tower drills are (you can modify them too):

  • Chin-ups;
  • Pull-ups;
  • Push-ups;
  • Shoulder push-ups;
  • Hanging leg raises;
  • Hanging knee raises;
  • Hanging single-knee raises;
  • One-leg squat;
  • Dips;
  • Explosive dips;
  • Sit-ups;
  • Muscle-ups.

Beginners can’t perform all of those exercises. They should start with resistance bands, then switch to bodyweight drills. Intermediate or advanced athletes might add new stress for the fibers to force them to adapt in a few ways:

  • Increase the number of sets and reps.
  • Decrease the rest periods between sets, increase the intensity from low to moderate or high.
  • Calisthenics modifications are a great option (for example, pull-up to archer pull-up or chin-up to gorilla chin-up).
  • Use additional weight (vest or weight plate with a dip belt).
  • Single-limp exercises (for example, one-arm push-up or one-leg squat);
  • Let your creativity do the job for you, options are endless but you must maximize the potential of your brain.

Here’s an example of the “same” routine for all three levels.


Pull-ups with resistance band: 3-4 sets × 8

Push-ups: 4 sets x 8

Triceps dips with resistance band: 4 sets × 8-10

Chin-ups with resistance band: 3-4 sets × 8

Knee raises: 4 sets × 15-20


Pull-ups: 3-4 sets × 8-10

Archer push-ups: 4 sets × 12

Dips: 4 sets x 8-10

Chin-ups: 3 sets × 10

Hanging leg raises: 4 sets × 15-20


One-arm pull-ups: 3-4 sets × 3-5

One-arm push-ups: 4 sets × 8 each arm

Explosive triceps dips: 4 sets × 8

Gorilla chin-ups with dip belt: 3 sets × 10

Knee raises with twists: 4 sets x 20 on each side

Targeting Small Muscle Groups

Don’t get us wrong, the majority of people believe power towers are based on pull-up dip stations. Wrong, bad mistake!

Have you heard of rotating your torso and knees? Swaying the lower area of your body to one side? Hip adduction and abduction? Here’s the explanation.

Typical “knee raises” will strengthen the lower part of your abs, while “leg raises with rotations” boost your oblique muscles and trunk rotators.

Here’s another example. Regular chin-ups boost the power of your shoulders, arms, chest, and back, while “gorilla chin-ups with body rotation” trains your oblique and hip muscles too.

You Can Train With Weighted Vest

Progressions are an important part of your training sessions. Let’s say you can perform dips and pull-ups with your bodyweight easily.

So there will be no progress even when you perform 20+ repetitions. Well, it’s time to change your routine.

Purchase weighted vest and train with additional 20 or 30 pounds. This will make the drill harder, you will get tired faster, but your progress will not be endangered.

Finally, there are so many ways to make the drill more difficult. The muscle fiber is going to grow because it has to adapt to the new “workout shock”. Beginners’ muscles usually grow super-quickly, but when the growing stops, it’s time to intervene and let the weighted vest do the rest for you!

Experienced Athletes Can Work On Explosivity

You’ll hear many “expert coaches” claiming it is impossible to boost your explosiveness with power towers. But this is wrong, as there are so many variations or plyometric pull-ups. You don’t get it, do you?

Ok, just do us a favor and take a look at the video above. You can do the same thing with dips. This is especially good for somebody who plans to transition to gymnastics later.

Even martial artists will be pleased with this innovative possibility, as it improves your arms’ quickness. You’ll see changes when you start unloading barrages of quick strikes on the defending opponent.

It Helps You Maximize Your Grip Strength

Many people overlook grip strength, but it is beneficial for your everyday jobs. Let’s assume you’re a construction worker who carries items every single day. Maybe you work in a hotel and you must help with luggage.

You will be able to lift heavier objects. Good grip strength means less stress for your forearms, shoulders, and arms. It also helps with deadlift, rows, shrugs, shoulder and bench press…


Power tower costs, but it’s one of the greatest ways to put your body on fire at your home. Long-term, it saves your money as you don’t have to pay for gym membership and gas.

If you’re a beginner, please purchase a resistance band too and enjoy your home workouts. Don’t forget, your body needs some time to get into the spirit of things!