Dr. Oz Diet Tips


Dr. Oz‘s diet tips vs. Jillian Michaels’ diet tips – whose are better? I like Dr. Oz’s diet tips more than Jillian’s. Do not get me wrong, Dr. Oz’s diet tips are not perfect, but they put more emphasis on what I think is important. Dr. Oz’s diet tips are focused on nutrition, which, in my opinion, is more important than exercise.

The other reason why I like Dr. Oz’s diet tips is because I completely agree with his take on sugar and products that masquerade as “healthy” sugar or sugar that is not as bad for you as regular sugar. Sure, sugar detox is easily one of the most important changes you can make to your diet, but some people seem to think that certain products that are marketed as healthy sugar substitutes such as agave nectar, for example, are not as bad as sugar. In fact, some dolts claim that it is good for you. Dr. Oz points out that this is not the case.

In short, Dr. Oz’s diet tips provide five simple steps on how to eat healthy and lose weight. They do not mention the importance of exercise, because, well, it is not important. I am kidding! Exercise is important, but it is overrated. Seriously, add walking to the following tips and you will be good.

Dr. Oz’s Diet Tips:

1. Simple Sugars Brown sugar, dextrose, fructose and any other types of sugar-based products have all got to go!

2. Syrups The tasty liquids are not so sweet for your diet. But Dr. Oz does recommend keeping some honey and maple syrup handy for the occasional dish that calls for a little something extra. The word to remember here is “occasional.”

3. Saturated Fat Most four-legged-animal fats, milk fat, tropical oils like palm or coconut and other items heavy in saturated fat should be tossed.

4. Trans Fat This includes hydrogenated vegetable oil blends and many types of margarine. If you crave butter, Dr. Oz suggests cholesterol-fighting spreads like Promise and Benecol.

5. Enriched Flours The white powder is a big no-no, says Dr. Oz. He recommends using 100 percent whole wheat flour instead. [via]