Delta 8 THC Different Ways To Use It


When buying cannabis-based products you’ll note that there are many options to choose from not just in the type of THC but also in the form it takes. Searching Delta 8 THC near me will give you plenty to choose from. However, as a new product, you’ll likely want to know what makes Delta 8 special and how you can make use of it.

Delta 8 Verses Delta 9

When considering Delta 8 products you’ll likely want to compare to the more common Delta 9. Delta 9 is the most easily found type of THC, and it’s the form of THC most people are familiar with. Delta 8 is a far newer product that has become available due to improvements in cannabis extraction technology. The effects of Delta 8 are a lot like those offered by Delta 9 and include the traditional high feeling you would expect. The key difference between the two (aside from chemical makeup) is how intensely it affects the user. Delta 8 is less intense and its high is far more mellow. Many users report that in addition to the feelings being smoother they can also concentrate better. If you enjoy the effects of Delta 9 and want a lighter experience Delta 8 may be what you need.

The Different Forms of Delta 8

Delta 8 is available for purchase in many forms and if you’ve bought cannabis products before you’ve likely used or heard of these choices. Here are some of the most popular types of Delta 8 products on the market.

  • Gummies: using gummies as a way to ingest cannabis products is one of the most popular types of cannabis products. In addition to being easy to use they also taste good. However, you should always pay attention to how strong a gummy is as some are more concentrated than others.
  • Edibles: gummies are not the only way to enjoy Delta 8 as a snack. Edibles take the form of various types of food with snack cakes being popular. Cakes are a good delivery method because they allow for easy blending with other ingredients both for flavor and overall effects. Like gummies be sure to watch your dosage levels.
  • Vapes: naturally Delta 8 is available as a vape, so you can smoke it in a more traditional manner. Like other types of THC vapes, Delta 8 vapes can make use of many flavoring elements and come in different mixes.
  • CBD Blends: another interesting option is a Delta 8 CBD blend. CBD Delta 8 blends combine the useful medical effects commonly associated with CBD products with the calm high that Delta 8 is known for. Delta 8 CBD blends generally come in two forms gummies and oils.

Final Thoughts

Delta 8 can be found in a variety of different forms to suit your personal needs and taste. If you’ve been looking for a THC that gets you high but doesn’t have too hard a hit then Delta 8 is the type of THC you’re looking for. You may prefer a vape or a cake but no matter your preference Delta 8 is available in a product you can enjoy and fits your exact specifications.