Organic Baby Food: Always Healthy?

Must Try

Maria Lorenz
Maria Lorenz
Join me on my "I Fit and Healthy" journey! Maria is an Upstate New Yorker interested in all things healthy-living related! She started the "I Fit and Healthy" Blog to document life and her pursuit of healthy living. By day she work in digital media and advertising. By night she’s a first-rate wife and mom of two crazy little girls! She is self-proclaimed addicted to her iPhone/iPad and always on the hunt for the latest health tools and fitness gadgets.

Organic baby food – it seems to be praised by many parents – but is it always healthy? I thought this would never happen to me – of course, it always does when you think that way – a friend of mine told me that she buys organic baby food, because ‘organic’ is healthy for a baby.

On a surface, this believe seems to be true – or is it? When I saw several boxes of sugary cereal in her kitchen – all stamped with USDA Organic seal – I asked her to clarify what she meant.

Turns out, she believes that organic baby food – with USDA Organic label on it -essentially means that our government has approved this product as “healthy” for a baby.

After this revelation – to say that I was lost for words – would be an understatement. However, this was not the end of the organic baby food “horror”.

She seemed surprised – that I was almost going into a cardiac arrest, thanks to her interpretation of USDA Organic – so she asked me what was wrong.

I wanted to know how she came to this conclusion. Are you ready? Her entire office thinks that way! I find this hard to believe. Do people really think that or is it just her?

I really do hope that this interpretation of USDA Organic label is isolated to a small group of people, who believe this for whatever reason. But something tells me it could be wide spread.

Organic baby food could be healthy, but “organic” and “healthy” is not necessarily the same thing.

100 % organic simply means that a product has been made using organic methods and that it contains only organic ingredients.

Organic seal is a guarantee that at least 95 % of the ingredients in a given product have been organically produced.

Made with organic has the same meaning as “organic”, but the percentage of organic ingredients descends to 70%.

These standards are the same for all products carrying “organic” label, including organic baby food.

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